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Free Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Test – 10 Question Quiz with Answer Explanations

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Test
Free English Grammar Test Online

* What is a verb?
* What is a transitive verb?
* What is an intransitive verb?
* Transitive and intransitive verbs depend on context

10 Question Multiple Choice Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Test

Question 1 - Transitive Verbs
1) What is a transitive verb?
a) An intransitive verb does not require a direct object after the verb.  
b) A transitive verb does not require an object.
c) A transitive verb requires an object to follow it.  
d) Options a and c.

2) What is an intransitive verb?
a) An intransitive verb does not require a direct object after the verb.
b) Intransitive verbs carry the meaning from subject to object.
c) Intransitive verbs are all in the past tense.
d) Intransitive verbs are always in the present tense.

3) Which of the following sentences is true? 
a) All transitive verbs require a direct object.  
b) Both intransitive and transitive verbs require a subject.
c) Options a and b.
d) The subject of a sentence always follows the verb.

4) Which of the following sentences contain an intransitive verb:
1. Michael hit Billy.
2. Samuel snored all night.
3. Velma danced well.
a) All of them.
b) Only option 2.
c) Options 2 and 3.
d) Only option 3.
5) Which of the following sentences contain a transitive verb?
1. Fido barked all day.
2. Jason sailed.
3. Odysseus fought Cyclops
a) Option 3.
b) Options 1 and 2.
c) All of them.
d) Option 1.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Test - “Justin touched the fence, yelping when it shocked him.”
6) It is very important when attempting to identify whether or not a verb is transitive or intransitive, to be able to identify the object of the sentence. Identify the object of this sentence: “Justin touched the fence, yelping when it shocked him.”
a) Justin.
b) The fence.
c) Him.
d) Shocked.

7) Which of the following statements is true?
a) The subject of a sentence is what the sentence is about.
b) The subject of the sentence acts or thinks, and this action or thought is the verb.
c) The object of a sentence is acted or thought upon.
d) All of the above.

8) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Whether or not a verb is transitive or intransitive depends on how it is used in a sentence.
b) A verb is transitive or not, regardless of how it is used in a sentence.  
c) Intransitive verbs can be turned into transitive ones by adding an object to a sentence.    
d) Options a and c.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Test - Applauded
9) In the two sentences below, is the verb "applauded" transitive or intransitive?
1. Simon applauded.
2. Simon applauded Betsy.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive
c) Transitive in 2, intransitive in 1.
d) Transitive in 1, intransitive in 2.

10) How would one change the following sentence so that the TRANSITIVE verb become INTRANSITIVE?
1. Fido bites intruders.

a) You can’t.
b) Delete the word "intruders".
c) Remove the subject.
d) Swap "Fido" and "intruders" around.