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Free Verbs & Action Verbs Test – 10 Question Quiz with Answer Explanations

Verbs & Action Verbs Test
Free English Grammar Test Online

* What is a verb?
* What is an action verb?

10 Question Multiple Choice Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations

Verbs & Action Verbs Test

1) What is a verb?
a) A verb describes a noun. 
b) A verb denotes the action taking place in a sentence.
c) A verb describes what the subject of the sentence did, thought or said or what the subject’s state of being is.
d) b & c

Question 2 “Michael always reads a book while taking the bus to work.” Verbs & Action Verbs Test
2) Identify the action verb(s) in the following sentence: “Michael always reads a book while taking the bus to work.”
a) Reads
b) Taking
c) Work
d) a & b

3) What does an action verb denote? 
a) Action verbs are used to denote physical actions only.
b) Action verbs are used to denote thoughts as well as actions.
c) Action verbs describe what the subject of the sentence is.
d) All of the above.

4) Which of the following sentences is true?
a) Not all complete sentences contain a verb.
b) There is an action verb in the sentence above this one (a).
c) All complete sentences contain a verb.
d) b & c

Question 3 Does the statement “to be or not to be” contain an action verb? Verbs & Action Verbs Test

5) Does the statement “to be or not to be” contain an action verb?
a) Yes, ‘to be’ is an action verb.
b) No, because there is no physical or mental action in the phrase ‘to be or not to be’.
c) No, because there are no verbs in the phrase ‘to be or not to be’.
d) No, because ‘to be or not to be’ is not a complete sentence.

Question 6 “While I worked, my dogs whined and howled for attention”. Verbs & Action Verbs Test
6) Identify the action verb(s) in the phrase: “While I worked, my dogs whined and howled for attention”.
a) Whined.
b) Howled.
c) Worked.
d) All of the above.

7) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Action verbs have forms in future, present and past tense.
b) Action verbs are only in the past tense.
c) Action verbs are only in the future tense.
d) Action verbs are only in the present tense.

8) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Action verbs describe physical or mental events.
b) Action verbs always refer to the object of a sentence.  
c) Action verbs refer to the subject of a sentence.  
d) a & c

9) Identify the action verbs in the following phrase: “The children talked to each other all night instead of staying asleep.”
a) To be.
b) Asleep.
c) Talked.
d) Staying.

10) How do I know which part of the sentence is an action verb?
a) There is an event in the sentence which is denoted by the action verb.
b) The action verb applies to an act, feeling or thought on the part of the subject.
c) The action verb describes a mental or physical event.
d) All of the above


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