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Free When is an Adjective Attributive and when is it Predicative? – 10 Question Quiz with Answer Explanations

Attributive Adjectives &
Predicative Adjectives Test

Free English Grammar Test Online

* What is an adjective?
* What is an attributive adjective?
* What is a predicative adjective?
* Adjectives that are only attributive
* Adjectives that are only predicative

10 Question Multiple Choice Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations

Attributive Adjectives & Predicative Adjectives Test

1) What is an adjective?
a) A type of preposition.
b) It describes an interjection.
c) It describes a noun.
d) All of the above

Question 2 English Grammar Test - Attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives
2) Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: “The book my grandmother loaned me was intriguing and gory, full of drama.”
a) Gory
b) Intriguing
c) Drama
d) a & b

3) What is a predicative adjective?
a) It is an adjective that comes before the noun.
b) It is an adjective that comes after the noun.
c) It is an adjective that can come before or after a noun.
d) None of the above.

4) Which of the following sentences contains a predicative adjective?
a) The baby rabbits snuggled against their mother for warmth.
b) In the 16th century, people believed that the Sun travelled around the Earth.
c) The teacher turned around after the lesson and found that half her students were asleep.
d) The fresh water quenched my thirst after I endured a grueling marathon.
5) What is an attributive adjective?
a) It is an adjective that comes before the noun.
b) It is an adjective that comes after the noun.
c) It is an adjective that can come before or after a noun.
d) None of the above.

Question 6 English Grammar Test - Attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives
6) Which of the following sentences contains an attributive adjective?
a) I took my turn at the boomerang and it hit my brother on the head.
b) I was staring at a girl when I walked into a lamppost.
c) I was trying to bake chocolate-chip cookies but when I tried to open the flour I ripped the bag and it ended up all over my face!
d) Dressed to the nines, I caught the eye of the party’s sole bachelor.

7) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Adjectives are predicative or attributive only.
b) All adjectives can be predicative and attributive.
c) Adjectives can be both predicative and attributive, but they can also be exclusively one or the other.
d) All of the above are true.

8) Which is a predicative-only adjective?
a) Alive.  
b) Adrift.
c) Unaware.
d) All of the above.

9) Which is an attributive-only adjective?
a) Mere.
b) Main.
c) Neither A nor B.
d) Both A and B.

10) Is the adjective ‘kind’ attributive-only or predicative-only?
a) It is predicative-only. .
b) It is attributive-only.
c) It can be both attributive and predicative.
d) ‘Kind’ is not an adjective.


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